Abstracts - CDT Nš 37


Dossier Teaching in Science Exact and Natural Sciencias   



Redalyc: an Alternative to Asymmetries in the Distribution of Scientific Knowledge*

Aguado López, Eduardo**; Rogel Salazar, Rosario; Garduño Oropeza, Gustavo; Zúñiga, María Fernanda


Key words: distribution of scientific knowledge, scientific communication, scientific journals, open access, scientific Information system

In this paper we make an analysis of the asymmetric distribution of the scientific knowledge, assuming that the specialized journals are the most important mean for scientific communication and therefore knowledge is legitimized through them. This is the main reason to support regional projects that will increase the visibility and help consolidate the editorials processes. The Redalyc Scientific Information System (SICR in Spanish) stands out as one of those projects, adscribing to the open access principles to improve scientific and technological activity in Latin America.


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Humanities - Social Sciences 


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Pedagogic-Communicational Mediations of Practices in a Proposal for Distance Education in Nursing*

Hraste, María Margarita, Rodríguez, María Laura


Key words: distance education, nursing assistants professionalization, pedagogic-communicational mediations, tutorials

The results of a research aimed to evaluate the relevance of distance education as an innovative form of in-service formation in the professionalization of nursing assistants in order to improve it as well as to implement it in different contexts is presented. Due to the very nature of the professional field -nursery- which is essentially praxiological, and the way of teaching/ delivery, the forms of mediation put into practice were studied and analyzed. The category pegagogic-communicational mediation used for the analysis of the proposals found in study guides and tutorials is rooted in cognitive psychology, educational communication, the sociohistoric school, the theory or communicative action and the epistemology of practice. This study was carried out on a sample consisting of five study guides randomly selected from courses of three areas of the curriculum and on the whole group of professors acting as tutors.

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Written Production as Epistemic Function. Reflection and Rewriting of Argumentative Texts in Interactive Contexts*

Pipkin, Mabel

Key words: linguistics, written production, rewriting, argumentative texts, student interaction


We studied the production of argumentative texts and the way in which Polimodal first year students interacted among themselves to read, reflect, schematize, reread, write, revise and rewrite texts individually. The texts had been previously explored through pair and group reading and commentary. We examined each of the variables: subject group (experimental-control), text theme (piqueteros- drug legalization) and school turn (morning-afternoon). We intended to know the writing processes and the influence of the interaction between subject/ other texts/ other subjects in the writing act. The results confirmed the initial hypothesis which anticipated that the written production of the subjects in the experimental group would be quantitatively and qualitatively superior to that of the control group. However, these results exceeded our expectations because of the instrument designed for and applied to the experimental group and the influence it exerted on the reformulation of their own texts as well as on that of source texts.


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Displacement Operations of the Concept Reflexivity within the Social Studies Fields*

Bertoldi, Sandra; Bolletta, Viviana; Mingardi Minetti, Milka


Key words: Social Sciencies, Reflexivity, Displacement operations

We assume the concept reflexivity as a useful tool for analyzing and controlling the researcher’s biases in the scientific practice. As teacher researchers, however, we are aware of serious difficulties in the implementation of this analysis tool. Therefore, we started asking ourselves: If reflexivity is considered a suitable tool for the analysis and validation of results, why is it not used more often in social practice? When and how was the concept reflexivity formed, and what displacement operations from its original field to other knowledge fields has it gone through? What possibilities are there for the concept reflexivity to undergo new displacement processes from other Social Studies knowledge and/or learning fields –for research purposes? These questions are the core of the subjects that we discuss in this article.


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Educational Planning as a Democratization Tool: an Epistemological Perspective

Andretich, Gabriela


Key words: Education, Educational Planning, School Democracy

This article presents a review of the main perspectives of educational planning in Latin America: the Traditional Planning, the influence of the Strategic perspective and the proposal of the Situational Participatory Strategic Planning, outlining the essential components of the more influential trends in the region and stating the rationality notions involved in each one from an epistemological view. The perspective proposed by the Chilean thinker Carlos Matus (the Situational Strategic one) is focused on in order to advance with the analysis of the possibilities and constraints that this option brings to the construction of an inter-subjective and democratic proposal of planning in the educational context (in Habermas’s terms). Finally some issues able to carry on the discussion here presented are proposed.

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Exact y Natural Sciences


[Index] - [Espaņol]




Soil Nitrogen Supply Estimation for Rational Fertilization*

Benintende, María C.; De Battista, Juan J., Benintende, Silvia M.; Saluzzio, Mariano F.; Muller, Cristian, Sterren, María A.


Key words: Agricultural Sciences, N mineralization, analytical techniques, N0 estimation

Balance method applied to nitrogen fertility diagnosis needs an estimation of the quantity of N supplied by the mineralization process. From the hypothesis that the potentially mineralizable nitrogen (N0) allows estimations of N supply therefore adjusting N fertilizer quantities, we tended to find analytical techniques to make possible speedy N0 estimation, so that they could be used for diagnostic purposes. Seven days anaerobic incubation (N – IA) performed the best adjustment with N0 (R2 = 0.735) and will allow good N0 estimations from N – IA values. The adjusted lineal model found was: N0 =1.1305 N – IA + 55.275. The N0 found in our experiments ranged from 95 to 247 mg of N kg–1 and represented between 6 to 12% of the total N. In addition, we found that sub-superficial layers mineralized almost 43% of the quantities mineralized in the superficial one. Comparing direct drilling vs ploughed soils, we found that soil temperature in direct drilling was 2ºC lower than in ploughed soils during a maize cycle.


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Antimicrobial and Antiviral Activities of Extracts from Several Plant Species Present in Entre Ríos

Vivot, Eduardo P.; Cruañes, María J.

In memorian Dr. Juan de Dios Muñoz

Key words: Ethnobotany, Medicinal plants, Antifungal activity, Antibacterial activity, Entre Rios

The ethnobotanical background of many plants used as antiseptic present in the Province of Entre Rios (Argentina) facilitated the selection of someones pertaining to the vascular genres Myrcianthes pungens, Myrsine laetevirens, Tessaria integrifolia, Acanthospermum australe, Arctium minus y Polygonum punctatum. The plant extracts were tested in their antimicrobial activity through the diffusion tests against six bacterial and two fungal species. The antiviral activity against virus F (HSV-1) strain and Sabin (PV-1) was also tested. A fraction of the ethanol extracts of A. minus showed activity against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus luteus. Two fractions of dichloromethane extracts of P. punctatum showed activity against B. subtilis and S. aureus. In the second division they showed no activity against B. subtilis, Micrococcus luteus and S. aureus. Concerning to antifungal activity, the first two fractions were active against A. niger and C. albicans. Preliminary results show antiviral activity of T. integrifolia extracts. The results achieved justify future studies.


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Penetrometer for Soil Crust Laboratory Study

Denoia, Julio; Giubileo, Graciela.


Key words: Agrarian Sciences, penetrometry, soil crust

A penetrometer to work on soil crust generated by simulated rains on soil samples was designed. Several samples from typic Argiudol soil without hydric-erosion were used; they were treated with cover and previous rain. The penetration resistance (PR) to five depths was evaluated. The penetrometry was measured at the seventh day from the rain (in a humid condition) and at the twentieth day (in dry condition). There were highly significant differences between depths. The penetrometer showed to be suitable to determine the PR, it was easy to use and reliable with regards to the variability of the measurements.


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