Abstracts - CDT Nš 38


Humanities - Social Sciences  




Life Trajectories and Maternal Practices in Contexts of Poverty

Genolet, Alicia; Lera, Carmen; Schoenfeld, Zunilda; Guerriera, Lorena; Bolcatto, Silvina


Key words: maternity , life trajectories, adolescence, poverty

This paper presents some findings from a research on adolescent maternity among poor women in Paraná city (Entre Rios Province, Argentina), in relation to their life trajectories. The analysis deals with the categories of maternity, maternal practices and life trajectories, built from Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical approaches and from contributions made by the gender theories, which that have been confronted with empirical reality. The concept of trajectories provides a fertile ground for establishing connections between the specific characteristics of the subjects’ experiences and transformations in society as a whole. The process gave us elements for better understanding the problem of adolescent maternity and presenting stronger arguments in order to allow well-founded interventions capable of emerging from the social workers professional labor into the public sphere, to give a further thought to new strategies in the area of social policies.


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Homeopathic Discourses. Towards the Legalization of the Discipline in Buenos Aires (1933-1940)

González Korzeniewski, Manuel A.

Key words: history of medicine, homeopathy, scientific status, discourses, legitimacy


This paper takes under consideration the arguments published in the pages of the Journal Homeopatia during the debates with different actors, detractors of the homeopathy, with whom took place the discussion about the legitimacy of the discipline before the juridical recognition of the homeopathic institution in Argentina. In the first part three cases are descriptively and chronologically presented: the expulsion of a homeopath doctor from the National University of La Plata, the prohibition of homeopathic medicines and the confrontation with the Departamento de Higiene before obtaining the legal status. In the second part, the discourses used in the mentioned discussions are contrasted with their historical context and they are analyzed according to the setting in discussion of the dichotomy between the modern and the archaic concepts, and the arguments about validity and scientificity as categories of legitimacy.


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Self Help Books: The Last Offspring of Romanticism?

Souroujon, Gastón

Key words: literature, self help books, authenticity, romanticism


The self help literature has become one of the most significant cultural manifestations of the 1990th decade in Argentina, getting established as a symptomatic and constitutive phenomenon of a new way of conceiving the self. In this paper we intend to trace the specific moral ideal from which the intention’s ethic which expresses the self help literature builds up and gets strength. For that purpose we will find support in Charles Taylor’s work, trying to prove that the moral ideal that motorizes those books is a particular erversion of the romanticism’s ideal of authenticity.


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Subject and Modes of Subjectivation

Giaccaglia, Mirta A.; Méndez, Ma. Laura; Ramírez, Alejandro; Santa María, Silvia; Cabrera, Patricia; Barzola, Paola; Maldonado, Martín

Key words: filosophy, subject , politics, identity, community


These times of breakups and changes challenge us to elaborate new categories in order to think a world which has become irremediably another one. Within this theoretical horizon, giving a new thought to subjectivity in relation to politics and therefore ethics becomes necessary. We intend to carry out a genealogy and, at the same time, a deconstruction of the modern category of subject, making evident the eclipse inside the philosophical thinking of the second half of the XX century, as already anticipated by the “thinkers of suspicion”. It is not about neither celebrating subject dissolution nor its return but rather about finding again a subjectivity able to recognize itself where an unsheltered space becomes visible, confronting the challenge of learning to coexist with contingency and ambiguity and thus allowing us to reformulate one emancipated project confronting the failure of the neoliberal globalization, to build a more fair and generous society.


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Meaning and Validity. The Incidence of the Pragmatic Turn on Contemporary Epistemology

Candioti, María E.; Britos, María del P.; De Zan, Julio; Herrera, Mariela; Saavedra, Anabella; Migueles, María A.; D’amico, Marcelo; Pizzio, Gustavo; Borra, Arturo; Rigotti, Sebastián

Key words: epistemology, meaning, validity, linguistic turn


In this paper the contributions of philosophical hermeneutics, neo pragmatism and pragmatics of language are examined in order to build up a definition of an epistemological project that could overcome the limitations derived from a “criterial” rationality, considering as such a type of rationality centered in determining demarcation criteria capable of guarantying “scientificity”. In particular, it deals with trying to provide an answer to the issue of cognitive validity and the problems arising from the attempt of articulating this requirement with the recognition of diverse significant and axiological frameworks. It aims to make explicit the connections between knowledge, language and social practices in the knowledge construction and validation processes and to point out the difficulties of reductive epistemological conceptions. The incidence of the so called “linguistic turn” is taken into account mainly in its pragmatic perspective, as well as the displacement resulting from that turn within the epistemological field.


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Exact y Natural Sciences


[Index] - [Espaņol]




Guided Bone Regeneration With Microfixed PLA/ PGA Membranes in an Experimental Model

Decco, Oscar A.; Engelke, Wilfried; Barrirero, Jennifer; Mejía, Sandra; Cura, Andrea C.; Ruscio, Mara L.


Key words: GBR, membranes, PLA/PGA, microfixation.

Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) was studied on critical sized bone defects in rabbit tibia, by using resorbable membranes of PLA/PGA microfixed through Vitallium microscrews and Luhr microplates. Macroscopically, no remains of membrane were found in any of the samples. In each sample, compact osseous tissue was observed at the osteotomy zone as in the regions nearby the microscrew and in contact with it. In those osteotomies in which PLA/PGA membranes were used without microfixation, a depression of the tissue was visualized. Microscopically, a good bone organization with noticeable osteons conformations and interstitial haversians systems was found. Twelve months after the surgery, bone regeneration was achieved in every sample, having no remains of the PLA/PGA membranes at the microscopic level.


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Mathematical Model for Cold Requirements Prediction During Wine Production

Palacios, Carlos A.; Udaquiola, Stella M.; Rodríguez, Rosa A.


Key words: fermentation, refrigeration, wine industry

The wine industry is the most important of San Juan Province, Argentina. This industry is not characterized by dangerous wastes nevertheless mainly for its high energy and water consumptions. The energy used in the refrigeration during the wine production is approximately equal to 50 to 70 per cent of the total utilized energy. The process temperature should be maintained in an optimum value to guarantee the wine characteristics. In this paper a mathematical model to predict the necessary energy requirements during different stages of white wine production is presented. In order to achieve this goal, a kinetic model was used to simulate the fermentation with the simultaneous equations of the energy balance. The simulations were carried out varying the tank volume. The energetic requirement shows a lineal variation with this volume.


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