Resúmenes - CDT Nº 35 |
2007 Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Developement | |
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Theoretical and Methodological Tools for a Relational Analysis of Studies on Poverty* |
Alicia B. Gutiérrez** |
Key words: Sociological research- poverty - social reproduction strategies - social capital | |
As a result of theoretical and methodological considerations and empirical research, I present in this paper the general outlines for a relational analysis of studies on poverty, which I consider a rich perspective as far as they make possible the construction of tools suitable to approach the problem from all its dimensions, and specially within the context of reproduction of the society as a whole and of its mechanisms of domination. From the concept of social reproduction strategies, I postulate its relational character in all its aspects, and while emphasizing the resources of poverty, in special the social capital, I point out the analytical potentialities of each one of the above mentioned categories in order to give account of the problem.
*) This paper was selected through a special Call on Poverty and Human Development, and was published online in advance on October 22nd 2007 as part of the 2007 Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development, Council of Science Editors (CSE); it derives from theoretical and methodological discussions and research studies on urban poverty lead during almost twenty years. **) PHD in Sociology (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France), PHD in Philosophy and Literature (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas -CONICET- (Argentina) - Centre de Sociologie Européenne (France), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities Research Center at Córdoba city (Argentina). E-mail: |
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Considerations on Poverty and Work in Developing Economies* |
Magdalena Reta**, Stella Toler, Carlos Bardelli |
Key words: urban poverty - job market - Concordia agglomerate | |
This paper presents considerations on urban poverty as a problem exhibiting a new characterization and posing under questioning the modalities of public policies intended to solve those situations. In that direction, we consider that work is one of the medullar topics and that it should be studied in order to produce theoretical considerations about the characteristics of poverty due to low income in developing economies. Our analysis focused in the job market in Concordia City, which is considered as one of the Argentine urban agglomerates with a more significant incidence of poverty. Several proposals for public policies aimed to overcome the problem are derived from that case study.
*) This paper was selected through a special Call on Poverty and Human Development, and was published online in advance on October 22nd 2007 as part of the 2007 Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development, Council of Science Editors (CSE); it presents preliminary results from a research project on "Characterization of the job market in developing economies: The case of the Concordia urban agglomerate (Entre Ríos Province)", Faculty of Sciences of Administration, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER). **) Major in Economy, Professor of Microeconomy and scientific researcher at the Faculty of Sciences of Administration, UNER, Concordia (Argentina), Director of the above mentioned research project.E-mail: |
Humanities - Social Sciences | |
Investigación | |
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Risk and Context. An Analysis About the Technological Risk Discourse Within Social Movements* |
Pablo A. Pellegrini** |
Key words: riesgo tecnológico - movimientos sociales - transgénicos - sociedad del riesgo - biotecnología | |
Technological risk notion is frequently used to question impacts that new technologies -in particular, modern biotechnology- would have on environment, human health and socio-economic dynamics. This paper's purpose is to analyze social movements attitude against these technologies from their speech on technological risk. With such aim we analyze the differents arguments employed by them, introducing the problem from the perspective of "risk society" as well. Finally, we suggest an interpretation on the representation of technology included in risk discourse, accenting its polisemic and fetichist character.
*) This paper presents results from the author's Master Thesis on Science, Technology and Society at the National University of Quilmes -UNQ-, funded by a grant for Young Researchers of the UNQ; submitted in December 2006, accepted in July 2007. **) Biotechnologist, Master in Science, Technology and Society, PhD in Social Sciences student; researcher at the Program of Sociohistorical Studies on Science and Technology, IEC, UNQ. E-mail: |
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Opportunities to Innovate from Classical Biotechnology. A case Study* |
Dora Corvalán** |
Key words: legume inoculants - Classical Biotechnology - Transference of Technology - Technological opportunities - R&D public agencies | |
This paper deals with a Small Business Enterprise (PyME) owned by Argentinian investors, established in the middle of the1980s as a Spin Off company producing legume inoculants, a microbiological supply in soy production. The company controls biotechnological processes enrolled within classical biotechnology. The study focused on the company and its learning process in pursue of capturing, adapting and transferring technology, considering its feedback with science and technology public agencies as an important factor. The company faces two realities: the dynamics of its chain production that has lead it to confront with international technological compliances, and the complex and uncertain internal reality. It is particularly interesting to analyze the developing of its dynamic capabilities as well as its strategy to be a leader within the local market and to gain an important share of the regional market while maintaining its competitive level with respect to international producers of legume inoculants.
*) This paper presents results from the author's Master Thesis on Industrial Development with special mention on Small Business Owners, National University of General Sarmiento -UNGS-; submitted in August 2006, accepted in July 2007. **) BS in Economy, National University of La Plata; Master in Industrial Development, UNGS; CONICET Technological support member at the National University of Quilmes. Email: |
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Modes of Authorization and Knowledge Relations* |
Liliana C. Petrucci**, María del P. Britos, Norma Barbagelata, Silvina Baudino, Carina Rattero, Sebastián Quartino |
Key words: knowledge - authorization - experience - subjectivity - formation | |
This paper presents a study lead on the ways in which knowledge relations take shape, such as authorization practices. Accounts were analyzed about students' formation experiences in the careers of Education and Social Communication, to consider the authorized/acknowledged figures in academic discourse and the way in which subjects recognize and constitute themselves in relation to that regime, as well as the manners of authorization that disturb that configuration, setting up discontinuities in the discursive "workings" in which they move about. In the treatment of these two aspects, we have placed ourselves at a distance from those viewpoints which intend to search for indicators to "objectivate" in binary terms the "variables" that determine the conditions of authorization, fixing relations and identities; such "binarisms" operate excluding the event-experience that can be perceived in the students' texts, as particular features that set up a subjective timing in knowledge relation, and allow for the idea of a policy of selfauthorization which brings formation -as a programme- into tension.
*) Article presenting the results of a research project developed at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, National University of Entre Rios (UNER), Dic.1999-Nov.2003, funded by SICTFRH-UNER; received in august 2006 and accepted in august 2007. **) Full regular profesor, Area of Didactics, Head of the research team, Faculty of Educational Sciences, UNER. E-mail: |
Exact y Natural Sciences - Engineering and Technology | |
Investigación | |
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Orange Preservation by a Terpenic Formulated Coating from Pinus Elliotis* |
Delia E. Locaso;. María del C. Cruañes; Mirta S. Velazque; Mario O. Pisonero; Oscar A. Gerard; Ignacio Terenzano |
Key words: orange postharvest - terpenic coating- sensory evaluation | |
The effect of a biodegradable coating, formulated from a natural terpen of vegetable origin, as an alternative to preserve citrus fruit during post-harvest was studied. Two assays were carried out with the following objectives: evaluation of protective effect of the terpenic coating under controlled storing conditions and selection of the most convenient application method for fruit coating. In the fist test, Valencia late oranges, harvest 2003 -2004, were used and analyzed parameters were: dehydration percentage, deformation percentage, maturity index and global acceptance. In the second test, Washington Navel oranges, harvest 2005 and 2006, were employed and the methods were: immersion, manual crushing and standard application. Analyzed variables were: dehydration percentage, deformation percentage and internal quality. Results showed that the terpene coating applied by manual crushing on oranges could have a beneficial effect on postharvest preservation.
*) This paper presents partial results from Research Project 8023, carried out during 2003- 2005 at the Faculty of Food Sciences, National University of Entre Rios -UNER-, funded by the SICTFRH, UNER; submitted in July 2006, second submission in July 2007, admitted in May 2007. **) Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Food Sciences, UNER, Adjunct Head of the research team. E-mail: |
Comunicaciones | |
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Study of Antioxidants Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Tomatoes* |
Luz M. Zapata**; Liliana Gerard; Cristina Davies; María del C. Schvab |
Key words: antioxidant - antioxidant capacity - tomato | |
Concentration of antioxidant compounds and total antioxidant activity in tomatoes were investigated during growth, storage, ripening and marketing. Lycopene, bcarotene, L-ascorbic acid and total phenolics were the analysed antioxidant compounds. Antioxidant activity was determined using the "Ferric reducing/ antioxidant power" (FRAP) method and the ß-carotene decoloration reaction. Ascorbic acid, lycopene and ß-carotene concentration was 2,6 times higher than the initial level during marketing, while the antioxidant activity in the last stage was 2,1 and 3,5 times higher than the levels corresponding to growth in both methods respectively. As a result, the consumers have a fruit with a high amount of antioxidants compounds, with the consequent ability to capture free radicals present in the human body. For the same reason, high antioxidants compounds concentrations in tomatoes may reduce the risks of contracting several chronic diseases.
*) This paper derives from the research project "Evaluation of the tomato (Lycopersicon Solanaceae) antioxidative activity during its growing, storage, maturity and commercialization", lead during 2005-2006 at the Faculty of Food Sciences, National University of Entre Ríos (UNER), funded by UNER; it was submitted in August 2006 and accepted in April 2007. **) Food Engineer, head of the research team, Regular Professor of Organic Chemistry I, Faculty of Food Sciences, UNER. E- mail: |
Agricultural Sciences - Medical Sciences | |
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Soybean Implantation with Biocontrol Microorganisms* |
Ladys Fálico**, Griselda Visintin, Blanca García, Evangelina Alcaraz |
Key words: Biocontrol - Soybean - Trichoderma sp. - Bacillus sp. | |
This article presents the results of soybean implantation when microorganisms were incorporated during the sowing period and under field conditions. The microorganisms evaluated were three isolates of Trichoderma sp, three isolates of Bacillus and one isolate of Gliocladium roseum. A treatment with fungicide and an untreated plot were incorporated and therefore nine treatments were performed. The effects were evaluated by registering the number of emerging plantlets and the number of plants at harvest, measuring the height of plants, registering the yield components and the plot weight. In average, plots treated with Trichoderma (HT3) emerged in a higher extension. Important interaction between the treatments and the assays was shown. The treatment with Trichoderma (HT3) obtained greater number of plants that reached the harvest stage. Among the Bacillus, B8 isolation showed a good behaviour in two of the tests.
*) This paper presents partial results from Research Project Nº 2074, carried out at the University of Entre Rios -UNER-, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Chair of Phytopathology; funded by the SICTFRH, UNER; submitted in August 2006 and admitted in May 2007. **) Agricultural Engineer, head of the research team, head of the Chair of Phytopathology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UNER. E-mail: |
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Estimation of APAR and NPP through remote sensing in three sectors of the Humid Pampa (Argentina)* |
Néstor C. Di Leo,**; Sergio Montico, Beatriz A. Bonel, Julio A. Denoia |
Key words: winter crops - net primary productivity - absorbed photosynthetically active radiation | |
The photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is important as energy input in diverse biological processes and its temporal evaluation has particular interest in crops monitoring. The data of spectral reflectance, obtained through remote sensors, are useful to provide observations of phenomena that are related to ecophysiological aspects of vegetal covers, including the net primary productivity (NPP). This one constitutes one of the few sources of information about the processes of the cycle of carbon in regional or global scales. The NPP is related to the efficiency of the use of light through the absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR) and represents a useful agroecology indicator to value the productive use of the territory. The objective of this work is to present a methodological contribution to the agroecology through the characterization of the NPP and the APAR, in three geographic and productive situations in the Humid Pampa, Argentina.
*) This paper presents partial results of a research project lead during 2006-2007 at the National University of Rosario -UNR-; submitted in February 2007, accepted in October 2007. **) Head of the research team, Associate Professor in Management of Soils, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UNR. E-mail: |