Abstracts - CDT Nº 45


Humanities and Social Sciences

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Humanities and Social Sciences

Reading and writing of literature in electronic media

Neitzel, Adair de Aguiar; Rauen Moraes, Taiza Mara; Neitzel; Luiz Carlos; Viana, Elisangela


This article presents the results of one of the stages of a survey entitled Autores, obras e acervos literários catarinenses em meio digital, in collaboration with twenty two teachers from the education network of Santa Catarina, Joinville, Brazil. The objective of this research was to investigate possible uses of media texts in electronic media in the classroom to expand reading practices. The methodology used was a course given to teachers of Portuguese Language and Literature from state schools of Joinville, structured around the exploration of Nupill’s digital library and cd produced by the same group, “Relógio de Ouro –Machado de Assis”. In this paper, we propose to examine some of the pedagogical possibilities of these literary materials and discuss some of the teaching strategies employed by the teachers with their high school students, which were structured in three areas: reading, research and production.

Keywords: language and literature, reading in a digital medium, reading teaching, high school, teacher training

Sexology, gender perspective and medicalization in the contemporary Argentina

Jones, Daniel; Gogna, Mónica



This article inquires into the origins and current dynamics of sexology in Argentina, with the aim of analyzing two questions: 1) how sexologists perceive the growing medicalization of sexuality? and 2) have these professionals incorporated a gender perspective in their activities? Both phenomena are related, because medicalization contributes to the reproduction of gender asymmetries and stereotypes, within sexological field organization and their sexuality conceptions. The article is based on an empiric research including secondary sources (contents of sexology courses, conferences’ programs, sexology associations’ affiliation, accreditation rules and individual professionals’ curriculum vitae) and interviews with sexology referents and professionals who deal with sexuality issues and often interact with sexologists, but who do not acknowledge themselves as such.

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Keywords: sexology, Argentina, gender perspective, medicalization


The importance of including mental health as part of the integral care for women living with hiv/aids

Obiols, M. Julieta; Stolkiner, Alicia I.



A device conducted with women living with hiv/aids that had recently been mothers allowed detecting some problems related to mental health. They are associated with the infection and cause psychic suffering to women. There are not enough health devices to work with these kinds of situations in the Argentinean public health system. These problems are mainly associated with how the infection affects women relationships with their families,their kids, their partners, etc. These problems can also affect women’s medical treatments and their babies Vertical Transmission prevention treatments. This work aims to highlight the importance of a family approach perspective to include actions in mental health as part of the integral care of women living with hiv/aids.

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Keywords: mental health, hiv/aids, women

The frame problem as a theoretical knot within the interface area between philosophy and cognitive sciences

Silenzi, María Inés



The topic establishing the relationships between philosophy and other disciplines is complex and it necessarily requires a literature review and an analysis much more extensive than we could develop in this paper. Therefore, we will restrict this question by limiting the interface area established between philosophy and cognitive science, considering the frame problem as a theoretical knot between both disciplines. Located within this interface zone we ask: could the new theoretical frameworks of cognitive science (and their discoveries) have influence upon solving the frame problem? We believe that this problem could be solved from a new hybrid position containing both cognitive science paradigms.

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Keywords: cognitive science, philosophy of science, frame problem

Thinking machines and future education: the Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (NARS) program

López Astorga, Miguel



In this paper, we study the Pei Wang’s approach and his new non-axiomatic logic. Therefore, we analize the NARS program, based on such non-axiomatic logic and that, according to its author, imitates human reasoning, aiming to describe its reach, limitations and possibilities for use in education. The proposal is also reviewed from different theoretical approaches of contemporary philosophy of science and cognitive science. Finally, the difficulties faced by any project aimed to make a human reasoning simulation machine, able to accomplish scientific discoveries and able to teach are stated.


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Keywords: cognitive science, discovery, reasoning

(Inter)Disciplinary Intervention: scope and limits of the technical teams for pedagogical support

Bertoldi, Sandra M.; Enrico, Liliana N.


The concept of interdisciplinarity has been subject of debates and controversial opinions as regards to it’s theoretical development and there is no agreement about the extension and limits of the so-called interdisciplinary practices. Interdisciplinary teams aimed to give assistance in case of pedagogical problems arising in primary and secondary schools exist in the educational system of the Province of Rio Negro (Argentina) since 1986. However, there is not a unique way to carry out those interventions. In this paper, different modalities of relationship between prescriptive regulations and the teams’ interventions in secondary schools are discussed based on some results of our research, showing strictly the scope and limits of the interdisciplinarity from the professional technicians’ point of view.


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Keywords: education, interdisciplinary, intervention

Marxism and university in the journal Mikael (1973-1984)

Rodríguez, Laura Graciela


The journal Mikael was part of a wider network of publications of the preconciliar Catholic nationalism, whose editors supported strongly the last military coup in Argentina. It was created in 1973 by Monsignor Adolfo S. Tortolo, rector of the theological seminary of Paraná, Entre Ríos Province. In this paper we will analyze the articles about the university published in Mikael, the public careers of their authors and the networks of relationships established among themselves and with other publications at that time.


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Keywords: history of education, argentine military dictatorship, catholic nationalism

Exact and Natural Sciences


Antibacterial activity of medicinal plants in the flora of Entre Ríos (Argentina)

Vivot, Eduardo; Sánchez, Cecilia; Cacik, Francisco; Sequin, Christian J.


Traditionally employed medicinal plants are a resource for new drugs needed to address microbiological conditions produced by the acquired resistance of microorganisms and the increased number of immunosuppressed people. The background of ethnobotanical flora of Entre Ríos includes numerous species used to cure infections. For the present study there were selected: Acacia bonariensis; Baccharis articulata; Blepharocalyx salicifolius; Castela tweedii; Eichhornia azurea; Eichhornia crassipes; Erythrina crista-galli; Gaillardia megapotamica var. scabiosoides; Hydrocotyle bonariensis; Ludwigia peploides; Pistia stratiotes; Phytolacca dioica; Porlieria microphylla; Senna scabriuscula; Schinus fasciculatus y Typha. We evaluated antibacterial activity of methanolic, hydroalcoholic and aqueous plant extracts by the diffusion method on solid medium using standarized bacterial strains to verify the sensitivity to these extracts. The results show antibacterial activity in vitro of numerous extracts of most species, and of several ones against a clinical strain of Streptococcus aureus methicillin resistant.


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Keywords: microbiology, medicinal plants, antibacterial activity, Entre Ríos flora, Streptococcus aureus MR


PROT 12 FCA: a new no transgenic soybean cultivar with high protein

Fresoli, Diana M.*; Beret, Patricia N.*; Hirschfeld Yanina**


In soybean, the average percentage of proteins in grain in the last few decades has been 38.80 %. The general aim of the work was to develop lines of soybean from exotic germoplasm with protein content higher than the national average and with high yields. Genetic improvement began with the introduction of genotypes followed by hybridization and subsequent selection. The process resulted in the registration at the National Register of Cultivars Property of the new cultivar PROT12FCA, which presents a content in protein and oil of 42.46 % and 20.42 % respectively, surpassing the witnesses performance on a 5 %. It is resistant to stem canker and to the race 1 of Phytophthora sojae.


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Keywords: plant breeding, Glycine max(L) Merril, protein

Relative Tetrapod Vulnerability in Arroyo Zabala Reserve (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Leber, Virginia; Kristensen, María Julia


Tetrapods have characteristics of vulnerability that make them adequate as a focus of attention when management priorities need to be established in protected areas. The aim was to determine the relative vulnerability of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals of verified or potential occurrence in one Multiple Use Nature Reserve in Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), in order to contribute to its management plan. We applied a vulnerability index (sumin) on the lists of species based on the literature available and interviews. Eight species were categorized as of highest priority of conservation: 11.11 % of amphibians, 15.79 % of reptiles, and 15.39 % of mammals. Eighteen other species were categorized as needing special attention: 33.33 % of amphibians, 31.58 % of reptilians and 34.62 % of mammals.


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Keywords: species conservation, multiple use reserves, amphibians, reptiles and mammals