Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual Nro 5157010

Vol. XXV, Nº 48


[Indice] [Índice] [Summary]

Humanities and Social Sciences


Information literacy in a foreign language in university students in Colombia

Hormiga-Sánchez, Marcela; Barbosa Chacón, Jorge Winston; Castañeda-Peña, Harold Andrés; Marciales Vivas, Gloria Patricia


In this paper, we explore the “relation” between informational competences (IC) and English as a foreign language by employing discourse semiotics. Thirty-seven students who were native speakers of Spanish and had previous learning experiences in English were observed and characterized. In the study, we used an observation instrument (profile instrument, think-aloud protocol and interview) which allowed us to: 1) demonstrate that the participants are, in informational terms, collectors and verifiers; 2) show a link between IC and foreign language proficiency and 3) confirm the student’s disposition to learn English and the importance they give to this language in their professional life. In this work, we also argue there are possible research topics regarding the object of study and suggest two other aspects to be further explored: the bidirectional support and the relation between performance in both competences.

Keywords: higher education, research in education, foreign language, informational competence, semiotics

Profiles and trajectories of students starting Educacion studies at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Vicente, María Eugenia


The aim of this quantitative research was to contribute to the knowledge of the characteristics shown by students at university entrance. We first analyzed the different policy approaches to university entrance, as well as the individual and institutional conditions presented at that time, and then we focused on the socio-educational profiles of 168 students at the entrance of the career of Education Sciences in the Universidad Nacional de La Plata during 2010 and 2011. Data were collected through a questionnaire and were analyzed in relation to the expectations of the students, their imaginary about studying and their educational and working trajectories.

Keywords: educational policies, educational quality, college entry, student profiles, educational trajectories

Education during Raul Alfonsin´s government (Argentina, 1983-1989)

Wanschelbaum, Cinthia


This paper is aimed to describe and understand the Democratic Education Project held by the government of the Argentine President Raúl Alfonsín, through the study of a series of documents produced by the Ministry for Education and Justice during the six years ruling period. Our readings of ministerial documents were guided by questions such as: what is education? education for what, for whom, and how? Focus was placed on definitions proposed in each document, with attention given also to the history of conceptualizations and facts. Our analysis allowed us to identify the diagnosis, fundamentals, principles, objectives, conceptualizations, strategies and conflicts that shaped the education during Alfonsin´s government.

Keywords: educational policy, history of education, Raúl Alfonsín, National Literacy Project, National Teaching Conference

Philosophical and methodological aspects of Latin American education. Contributions by Paulo Freire

Rodríguez, Lidia M.; Marín, Carlos; Moreno, Silvia M.; Rubano, María del C.; Romero Leandro


This article exposes the analysis of some of the main theoretical lines developed by Paulo Freire, whose view represents an important contribution to the XX century education. In our study we intended to enrich the analytical work by linking it to proposals made by some other authors such as H. Arendt, E. Dussel E. Levinas and A. Gramsci, on some aspects considered strategic in his methodological outline: dialogue, praxis, awareness, pedagogical links, communication, culture and imagination.

Keywords: pedagogy and communication, education and culture, Paulo Freire, political awareness, pedagogical link


Thoughts on the basis and procedures of the Grounded Theory

Gaete Quezada, Ricardo


In current literature, there is a wide-ranging debate on the most important epistemological and methodological aspects of the grounded theory created by Glaser & Strauss in 1967, mainly derived from discrepancies between both creators. Therefore, this article emphasizes on the principles and especially the procedures associated with this approach to scientific research. Theoretical sampling, constant comparative method and the generation of substantive theories based on the data obtained in the investigation procedures are here identified as the most important principles of the grounded theory. From a holistic perspective, we have summarized the procedure for the application of the grounded theory in three stages: microanalysis, coding and writing of the theory.

Keywords: qualitative research, grounded theory, constant comparative method

How to formulate a doctoral proposal in Social Sciences?

Retamozo, Martín


The writing of graduate thesis proposals has become a relevant phase in social science's research and training processes. In order to give support to students and teachers in the making of thesis projects, this article reviews the value of the research project and the various dimensions that this acquires as an academic literary genre.

Keywords: scientific research methodologies, doctoral thesis, scientific writing

Exact and Natural Sciences


Aquifer Physical Model: its implementation in a Groundwater Course

Serrano-Guzmán, María Fernanda; Pérez Ruiz, Diego Darío; Guzmán Arias, Diego Alejandro; Forero Sarmiento, Juan Carlos


The main goal of this project was to develop a physical model aimed to facilitate the implementation of an Integrated Pedagogical Approach (IPA) in the Groundwater course at the Civil Engineering Department. A collaborative effort was made between professors and students during the design and construction of an aquifer two-dimensional physical model using resources available in college context. The results of building as an educational tool and the interaction with the physical model made easier for the students the understanding of theory and its relationship with the groundwater distribution and transport phenomena. Moreover, the design and dimensioning of the physical model allowed the professor to develop learning tasks focused on the surface water-groundwater interaction.

Keywords: hydraulics, aquifer, physical model

Pampa Solar: a multidisciplinary project for the construction of a solar vehicle

Rossi, Silvano; Spina, Marcelo; Benger, Fernando; de la Vega, Roberto; Leegstra, Roberto; Santillán, Guillermo


Clean energy and zero emission-based systems as sustainable mobility alternative applied to urban transport are today a necessity and justify the aim to have a solar vehicle as an experimental prototype. Thus, the initiative of a working group constituted by professors, students and supporting personal, was focused in the construction of an experimental hybrid vehicle motivated by a Latin-American solar car race in which its performance was validated during its participation. The prototype was awarded with the prize of most efficient use of solar energy. In this work constructive aspects of the vehicle and experimental results obtained during the competition are presented.

Keywords: solar energy, experimental hybrid vehicle, zero-emission, solar panel