- CDT Nº 32
Social Welfare Help During Socio-Economic Crisis in Argentina. School of Economics Experience at the University of Buenos Aires From 2004 to 2006 |
Alejandro Rofman*, Juan Manuel Vázquez Blanco** |
Key Words : Universitary Social Welfare - Self-organized management - Labor force - “Recuperated” enterprises - Argentina | |
This paper is focused on the current socio-economical crisis in Argentina. We will dicuss the Public University role in being involved on the support of empoverished sectors of the Federal District population as a way to help that people to cope with the deep negative impact of the Neo-liberalistic program adopted by the National government during the 90´s. Our objective is to describe one of the Social Welfare programs launched by the School of Economics in order to back the current cooperative enterprises organized by those who have been their employees when the firms collapsed. The new cooperative enterprises replaced the old capitalistic functional system of the firms which had to be closed by their owners due to the crisis. Most of the former workers occupied the establishments and put them back into productive activity. The School of Economics designed an integral program, based in voluntary work, to give the new owners tools to strenghten the development of the firm and to assure democracy and solidarity in its management. |
*) Honorary Profesor, Faculty of Economics, University of Buenos Aires (UBA); Head of the Postdegree Especialization on Social Economy and Local Development of the same University. E-mail: srofman@fibertel.com.ar **) Assistant Professor of Argentine Social Structure; Academical la Carrera de Posgrado de Especialización en Economía Social y Desarrollo Local, Faculty of Economics, UBA. E-mail: jmvb.ar@gmail.com |
Research | |
Politics, Democracy and Utopy* | |
Mirta A. Giaccaglia**, María Laura Méndez, Patricia Cabrera, Annabella Saavedra, Marcelo Bechara, Eugenio Montenegro |
Key Words :politics- utopia - democracy - globalization | |
The crucial question we ask today is: how do we reinvent the space of politics in the conditions established by the neoliberal globalization process? The last decades were characterized by the overshadowing of politics, subordinated to economy and market forces. About this issue, key to consider the possibility of alternative emancipating projects, it is necessary to reflect on justice, equality, freedom, social bonds, the problem of representation and the new social movements of resistance. From this appeal to subjects and the invention by social forces, it is necessary to reactivate the instituting forces of utopia to join freedom and equality in the horizon of another globalization. The project of a fair and sympathetic society will only be possible by a creative way of thinking, which would dare to consider what has not been considered before, the lines of flight, the event. |
*) Article derived from the homonymous research project, led in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, supported by the SICTFRH, UNER; submitted in June 2004 and accepted in February 2005. **) Director of the research team, Doctor in Psychology, Regular Professor, Workshop on Psycho Pedagogy, Faculty of Educational Sciences; Coordinator of the UNER subsee of the UNESCO’s Chair for the Improving of Reading and Writing Quality in Latin America. E-mail: mpipkin@satlink.com |
Broken lines. A reflection on citizenship/governmet communication* | |
Sergio Caletti** |
Key words: political life - quality of democracy - mass media - representation | |
The so-called democracy has become an aspect taken for granted in the Argentine political setting, but the pact that makes it possible and provides sense to it has been questioned by the citizens themselves. Although the text is devoted to the Argentine case, the problem indicated is, strictly speaking, proper of contemporary politics: while the government regime we call democracy today is more spread (in the planet) and less questioned than ever before, it seems to be getting away increasingly from the old goal of effectively being the government of the people, which characterized it programmatically and politically during almost two centuries. Within this framework, two fragments of a recent research study are included here, which summarize the extent to which we have advanced on this issue. In the first one, the emphasis is on the empirical record of some aspects of this weakness while in the second one a possible conceptual production of what these records are supposed to evidence is strenghtened. |
*) This article comes out of texts written during 1998 and 2000, as part of the Final Report of the research project #3114, Faculty of Educational Sciences, supported by the SICTFRH, UNER. There were participants (particularly in the fieldwork) Juan Manuel Jiménez, Aurora Ruiu, Alejandro Ramírez and Patricia Fasano together with Fabiola Claret and Andrea Valsagna (through Scholarships for Iniciation into Research Activities). These are also part of the results of the research project #42715 jointly supported by the CONACYT, UAM-X, UBA, UNC. and UdeG. Received in October 2005 and accepted in March 2006. **) Regular Professor of Research on Communication, Faculty of Educational Sciences, UNER, Director of the mentioned projects; Regular Professor of Communicational Theories III, Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA. E-mail: scaletti@datamarkets.com.ar |
Communications | |
Hidden Unemployment. Measurement and Representativeness* | |
Magdalena Reta**; Stella Maris Toler |
Key words: hidden unemployment - Permanent Home Survey - Concordia agglomeration | |
Measuring work dynamics in job markets such as the Argentine one, with high rates of open unemployment, which persist over time, means researching the structure itself of such market, in the profile of those employed and unemployed. The present paper poses the need to outline concepts and methodologies with the aim of realizing the measurement of hidden unemployment within the activity rate. It constitutes an instance so as to continue discussing the topic of job statistics in developing countries, in which the composition of the activity rate -employed/unemployed- does not reflect the situation of the job market. |
*) This paper came from interpretation derived from information in the Widen User Database of the Permanent Survey of Homes of the National Institute for Statistics and Surveys (INDEC), framed in a research project on "Evaluation of Social Nutrition Plans at Concordia", Faculty of Sciences of Administration, UNER, Concordia; submitted in Dicember 2005; accepted in April 2006. **) Major in Economy, Director of the above mentioned research project, Full Professor of Economy II -Microeconomy, Faculty of Sciences of Administration, UNER., E-mail: magtro@ai.fcad.uner.edu.ar |
2nd National Pedagogy Conference (1984-88) through the Regional Newspapers "El Litoral" and "El Diario"* | |
Natalia Diaz**; Carolina Kaufmann*** |
Key words: Argentine educational history - Second National Pedagogy Conference - El Litoral - El Diario | |
This paper is focused on the research of the levels of participation assumed by different social actors (the Church, teachers and political parties), during the Second National Pedagogy Conference (II CPN) held in Argentina during the government of Raúl Alfonsín (1984-1988). Different levels of participation are explored within the framework of the "litoral" region, and especially in the cities of Santa Fe and Paraná. To do this, the information published about such event published in the newspapers "El Litoral" from Santa Fe and "El Diario" from Paraná (1983-1988) were mainly used as a source for analysis; as well as other primary documents indicated in the bibliography section. Our main questions are: What news on education, specifically linked to the IICPN, were published in both newspapers? Who was given the right to speak? What attitudes or postures both graphic media adopted in relation to such Conference? |
*) This paper exposes part of the results of the Second Stage of the TIPHREA Research Project (Ideological and Pedagogical Tendencies in the Recent History of the Argentine Education), held at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, UNER. An enlargened version of this article was included in: Argentine Society for History of Education, Anuario #6, Ed. Prometeo, Dic.2005. Submitted in July 2005 and accepted in April 2006. **) Teaching Degree in Educational Sciences, E-mail: natysdiaz@hotmail.com ***) Director of the TIPHREA Project, Associate Professor of Social History of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, UNER. E-mail: ckaufmann@sinectis.com.ar |
Research | |
Anuran experimental models to study pyrethroid effects* | |
María F. Izaguirre**; L. Marín; M. N. Vergara; R. C. Lajmanovich***; Paola Peltzer***; Víctor H. Casco |
Key words : Cypermethrin - anurans - apoptosis - histology - ultrastructure | |
Aquatic ecosystems are increasingly exposed to numerous environmental contaminants, as agrochemicals. In recent years it has been observed that toxicity tests only span short time effects (mortality) but are not sufficient to evaluate the ecosystems risk. For that reason, long time estimations are very important as reference to estimate the incidence of those changes over the biodiversity and also on human health. In the present report we statistically analyzed, under laboratory conditions, the acute effect (mortality – survival) and subchronic doses (growth rate and development), as well as the alterations at histological and subcellular level produced by the cypermethrin pesticide. Bioassays on toxicity were carried out with embryos and tadpoles of critical stages of two regional anuran species: Physalaemus biligonigerus and Bufo arenarum. These species were chosen due to their biocides sensibility and ecological importance. Additionally, a morphological analysis of the target organs by optic and electron microscopy was carried on, to determine the development of adaptative mechanisms to the new adverse condition. Complementary studies of in situ TUNEL and morphometry were made. |
*) Paper derived from the PID 6053-1, 2000-2002, Faculty of Engineering, UNER, supported by grants of the SICTFRH, ML Director: Dr. V.H.Casco, e-mail: vcasco@bioingenieria.edu.ar. Received in August 2005; accepted in March 2006. **) Assistant professor, Biology I, Bioengineering; researcher at the Laboratory of Microscopy, Faculty of Engineering, UNER. E-mail: fizaguirre@yahoo.com.ar ***) Nacional Institute of Limnology (INALI-CONICET). E-mail: lajmanovich@hotmail.com |
Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in environ-mental waters, lees and rumen of bovines in urban proximities | |
José D. Tanaro**, Liliana H. Lound, M.M. Domínguez, M. Rivas*** |
Key words: Escherichia coli O157:H7- water - rumen - manure - immunomagnetic separation | |
Escherichia coli O157:H7 was searched in 35 water samples of the Gualeguaychú River and other small affluent streams, 25 samples of bovine faeces, and 40 samples of rumen. The adopted scheme consisted of a selective enrichment in modified broth EC added of novobiocina (42ºC, 18-24hs), followed by a magnetic inmunoconcentration and later isolation in Agar MacConkey sorbitol with addition of Telurito of Potassium and IDâ medium (37ºC 18 - 24 h). Biochemical and serological screening was performed for the typical colonies, and then tests of confirmation were made. The strains isolated were fenotipic and genotipically characterized. Seven strains were obtained from water and one from ruminal content. Five strains were toxin-producing O157:H7 serotype and C biotype, ß-Glucuronidasa (-), EHEC-hly (+). Four of them were Stx ½-producing and the last strain was only Stx2-producing. Another three strains that were O157 serotype lacked of virulence factors. |
*) This article is derived from the research project # 9023 held in the Faculty of Bromatology, supported by the SICTFRH, UNER; submitted in October 2005 and accepted in April 2006. **) Director of the research team, Full Professor of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Bromatology, UNER, Gualeguaychú. E-mail: jdtanaro@fb.uner.edu.ar ***) Head of the Service of Physiopathogenics, "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán" National Institute for Infeccious Disseases -National Administration of Laboratories and Health Institutes (INEI-ANLIS). |
Textural Characteristics of Poultry Nuggets Made of Mechanically Recovered Instead of Hand Deboned Chicken Meat * | |
Patricia Bonato**; Flavia Perlo; Gustavo Teira; Romina Fabre; Soraya Kueider |
Key words: nuggets - poultry - mechanically deboned meat - texture profile analysis - hardness | |
Consumption of poultry meat and poultry meat products is currently growing and increased production of cut-up and processed meat has provided considerable quantities of parts suitable for mechanical deboning. Aqueous washing of mechanically separated meat have been studied because of the advantages of removing fat, heme pigments and other water soluble compounds. The addition of different quantities of washed mechanically deboned chicken meat into restructured poultry products, such as nuggets, as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat offers many opportunities to the poultry industry. The objective of this study was to evaluate textural characteristics of chicken nuggets formulated with different quantities of washed mechanically deboned chicken meat as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat. Washed mechanically deboned chicken meat could be incorporated into nugget formulation as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat but beyond a 20% of replacement properties of the product were affected. |
*) This paper presents some of the results of the research project #8028, developed in the Laboratory of Meat Industries, Faculty of Food Sciences, supported by the SICTFRH, UNER; first submitted in June 2005; second version in April 2006; accepted in April 2006. **) Full Professor, Laboratory of Meat Industries, Faculty of Food Sciences, UNER. E-mail: bonatop@fcal.uner.edu.ar |
Research | |
Reply to Phenol of Caryopses of Barley and Rye Cultivars* | |
María E. Moya**, Patricia D. Reinoso, Alberto A. Galussi, Gerardo Soldá |
Key words: caryopses - cultivar - barley - rye - phenol | |
The phenol technique is a tool that enables differentiating cultivars according to the coloring manifested by florets and caryopses at exposition for a period of time with phenol vapor. In barley and rye, the time of exposition or the color adopted by the florest or the caryopses have not been established. The goal to characterize barley and rye cultivars by their response to phenol was posed. In barley, after a 24-hour exposition to phenol at 1%, three different coloring patterns were determined: very light brown, light brown and mixed (dark brown florets up to those with a very light stain) and in rye, the exposition was 4 hours, with dark brown being the predominant color in caryopses. |
*) Article derived from the research activities in PID # 2068, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, supported by the SICTFRH, UNER (1999-2003); submitted in March 2006 and accepted in April 2006. **) Engineer and Master in Agronomics, Assistant Professor in Morphological Botanics and the Laboratory for Identification, Characterization and Verifying of Vegetable Species and Cultivars, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UNER. E-mail: cultivar@fca.uner.edu.ar |
Communications | |
Epidemiological Observatory for Malnutrition. Notes about an Experience* | |
Leandro Marcó**, Leandro Lepratte; Erica Foti, Lidia Contreras, Carlos Watters, Sergio Barbero,
Key words: malnutrition - resilience - socio-environmental risk | |
Malnutrition represents for the field of Health Sciences, a central concern that requires going deeper into the complexity of such phenomenon within a critical social framework. In this paper about the Epidemiological Observatory on Malnutrition (Health for Everyone Program), the nutritional conditions of people from 0 to 14 years old are described and analyzed, in districts under a socio-environmental risk in the city of Concepción del Uruguay (Argentina), in December 2003, as well as their structural life conditions, testing classical hypotheses about the problem of malnutrition. Family resilience and the role of school and community cafeterias are highlighted as factors to be studied in the future. Knowledge production aims at developing dissemination and awareness strategies for the society and actors directly involved in this problem, as well as establishing the bases to innovate intervention projects. |
*) Article that exposes the preliminary results of a research framed in the project: "Uruguay: Healthy City", in the Health for Everyone Program, from the Epidemiological Observatory on Malnutrition in the Faculty of Health Sciences, UNER. Other participants are: Argentine Society of Pediatry -Uruguay River Chapter, Residence in Pediatry of the Hospital "J.J. de Urquiza", CARITAS and Círculo Médico, all institutions of Concepción del Uruguay City. Article first submitted in March 2005, second version submitted in March 2006, accepted in May 2006. **) Director of the Health for Everyone Program Health for Everyone Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UNER, Concepción del Uruguay (Argentina). E-mail: marcol@arnet.com.ar |