Abstracts - CDT Nº 43


Humanities – Social Sciences

[Indice] - [English]




Humanities – Social Sciences

Education and citizenship: alternatives and resistances to social exclusión

Cantero, Germán*; Celman, Susana*; Ulla, Zunilda*; Andretich, Gabriela*; Chapero, María Laura*; Correa, Bárbara*; Olivieri, María Paula*; Pontarelli, Diego*; Olmedo, Virginia*; Amavet, Ana*; Basgall, Silvina*; Barreto, María Fernanda*; Corrado, Andrea**; Ipucha, César**; Medela, Paula**; Stigaard, Blanca***.


In this article, findings of a participative and ethnographic research directed at contributing to the construction of an experience of citizen education of alternative aspirations are presented, which at the same time allowed to obtain knowledge about the limitations and possibilities of those experiences in historical, social and institutional contrasting contexts. To that effect, two institutions of the Third Level of the General Basic Education were taken: a small rural school in the Province of Entre Ríos and a big one in the urban area surrounding Buenos Aires, whose stories and actors were signified as adequate conditions for these purposes.

Palabras clave: education, citizen education, participative research, alternative pedagogies, social exclusión
Artículo derivado del PID UNE R 3099, radicado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (FCEdu) de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER, Paraná, Argentina), Directores: Prof. Germán Cantero, Codirectora: Prof. Susana Celman; recibido en octubre 2010, admitido en agosto 2011. Autores: *FCEdu, UNE R, Paraná (Entre Ríos, Argentina). **Departamento de Educación, Universidad Nacional de Luján (Buenos Aires, Argentina).*** Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Contacto: germanc@gigared.com


The work like content in Civic Education textbooks (Argentina, 1976-1989)

Doval, Delfina*; Kaufmann, Carolina*; Monzón, María Inés**



The study being exposed in this paper focused on the transformations operated in the school courses of Moral and Civic Formation and in textbooks for such courses in Argentina, in relation to work as content in education. The problem was studied during the period between the years of the Dictatorship and the early democratic transition, dividing the research in two stages: first one from 1976 to 1983 and second one from 1984 to 1989.

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Keywords: education, textbooks, moral and civic formation, civic education, work

Artículo derivado del PID UNER 3109, radicado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (FCEdu), Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER) (Paraná, Argentina); Directora: Dra. Carolina Kaufmann; recibido en diciembre 2010; admitido en julio 2011. Autoras: *Cátedra Historia Social de la Educación, FCEdu, UNER (Paraná, Argentina); **Becaria de Iniciación en la investigación SCTFRH-UNER. Contacto: ddelfina@gmail.com



Didactics in teaching training colleges… some specificities that are constructed

Migueles, María Amelia*; Auch, Marcela*; Corfield, María Isabel**; Sattler, Susana*; Tarulli, Gloria*; Viñas, Fabiana*; Gobo, María José*



n this article we focus on some contributions derived from a research study that centered its main analysis on the curriculum construction of the so-called “Specific Didactics” in Geography, History, Social Studies and Philosophy teaching training colleges. The question about what makes such Didactics specific and what makes didactic these disciplinary specificities helps production to become meaningful. In the institutional niche of such teaching training centres, multiple factors shape the construction of knowing how to teach and knowing how to be taught in the specific didactics. Knowledge that is located and constructed in one institution, in one curriculum, in a disciplinary field, in a particular historical time and in relation to subjects.

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Keywords: didactics, teaching training, curriculum, teaching, institution

Artículo derivado del PID UNER 3116, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (FCEdu), Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER); Directora: María Amelia Migueles; recibido en junio 2011; admitido en setiembre 2011. Autoras: **Docentes e investigadores de la FCEdu, UNER (Paraná, Argentina). **Docente e investigadora de la Facultad de Bromatología, UNER (Gualeguaychú, Argentina). Contacto: mtalime@gmail.com


Manuel Puig, politics and threshold

Kozak, Claudia



The article reads in Manuel Puig’s literature a notion of politics beyond usual political discourses. Taking as a point of departure textual procedures which work with “folds”, “inbetweens” and “thresholds”, concerning particularly the use of intimate genres and spatial procedures, politics appears as a destabilization of discourses within themselves, doubting about certainty, and building new worlds which point to the transformation of status quo. The analysis focuses on three novels (Kiss of Spider Woman, Pubis Angelical and Eternal Curse on the Reader of These Pages) written during the 20th century seventies, which all along with The Buenos Aires Affair make up the “political cycle” within Manuel Puig’s fiction, seeking how they build impolitical community.


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Keywords: Argentinean literature, impolitical community, Manuel Puig.

El presente ensayo continúa una serie de textos publicados con anterioridad por la autora acerca de la narrativa de Manuel Puig. Autora: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Fac. de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER); Fac. de Filosofía y Letras y Fac. de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Junta de Dirección del Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate de la Unión Europea “Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones”. Contacto: ckozak@filo.uba.ar


Geology and Hydrolithology of Langueyú Creek Basin, Buenos Aires Province (Argentina)

Ruiz de Galarreta, Alejandro*; Barranquero, Rosario*; Varni, Marcelo**; Rodriguez, Corina Iris*


The main objective of this study is the geologic characterization of Langueyú Creek Basin and its relation with the hydraulic properties of rocks and sediments. The boundaries and features of the water system in this area are described from a regional analytical and explanatory approach of physical compounds such as stratigraphy, structural geology and geomorphology. From the stratigraphical point of view, the basin is composed by a crystalline basement of Precambrian age and a Cenozoic sedimentary cover. These materials correspond with two hydrolithological fields: the fissured and the porous ones. The behavior of the system is clearly different according to geological and geomorphological sectors (hills, piedmont and plain).


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Palabras clave: hydrogeology, geomorphology, Langueyú Creek Basin

Artículo producido por la línea de investigación doctoral “Análisis y evaluación del sistema hidrogeológico ambiental en la cuenca del arroyo Langueyú, Tandil, Buenos Aires”, desarrollada por Rosario Barranquero como becaria, Directores: Dres. Marcelo Varni y Alejandro Ruiz de Galarreta, en el CINEA ; proyecto 03/D230, Secretaría de Ciencia, Arte y Tecnología, UNICEN (Tandil, Argentina); recibido e diciembre 2010; admitido en junio 2011. Autores: *Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Ambientales (CINEA), Universidad Nacional del Centro (UNICEN) (Tandil, Argentina); **Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras (IHLLA ) (Azul, Argentina). Contacto: rosariobarranquero@yahoo.com.ar


Trends in Aquaculture Engineer training in Chile

Díaz V., Juan Pablo* **; González E., Celia*; Brieba R., Claudio*


This paper explores trends of professional training universities in Aquaculture Engineering at public universities of Chile, verifying performance of supply and registration, its graduates, employability of professionals and how the accreditation process has assumed challenges posed by the aquaculture industry. The results confirm that in this career in particular the universities have managed to balance their vacancies with registration. Finally, the results of the accreditation process show that universities have begun training future engineers in Aquaculture by competency curriculum.


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Keywords: Aquaculture Engineering, accreditation, skills training, employability

Este artículo se inscribe en el proceso de autoevaluación que se está realizando en el Depto. de Ciencias del Mar de la Universidad Arturo Prat para la acreditación de carrera Ingeniería en Acuicultura, con el objetivo de aportar un marco referencial al nivel de universidades chilenas en esta temática; recibido en agosto 2010, admitido en junio 2011. Autores: * Depto. de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Arturo Prat. Casilla 121, Iquique, Chile. ** Agencia Acreditadora Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile S.A. (Acredita CI®). Contacto: jpdiaz@unap.cl


Identification of Medicago sativa L. cultivars by its biochemical characteristics in seeds and seedlings

Galussi, Alberto A.; Moya, María E.; Zimmermann, Liliana R.; Novelli, Leonardo E.; Fagúndez, Guillermina


Since alfalfa cultivar seeds are morphologically similar, seed and seedling protein analysis would be adequate to differentiate both cultivars. The purpose of this study was to characterize alfalfa cultivars from two different harvests according to seed protein level determined through SDS PAGE and A PAGE, and in protrusion and cotyledonar state through dehidrogenase alcohol isoenzyme. The adequate sample size for electrophoresis was 0.5g of seeds in 5.00ml of extraction buffer and the appropriate sowing volume was 10μl. In both SDS PAGE and A PAGE methods, protein fractioning was carried out though it was not possible to differentiate among cultivars; the slight differences found were not repeated in samples from different harvest years. The ADH system showed differences among cultivars getting a higher differentiation at the protrusion state.


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Keywords: botany, alfalfa, electrophoresis, proteins, isoenzymes

Artículo producido en el marco del PID UNER 2101; 2004-2007; Director: Ing. Agr. Alberto Galussi; Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias (FCA), Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER); recibido en marzo 2011; admitido en agosto 2011. Autores: Laboratorio de Identificación, Caracterización, Verificación de Especies Vegetales y Cultivares (LICVEVC), FCA, UNER, (Oro Verde, Entre Ríos, Argentina). Contacto: cultivar@fca.uner.edu.ar






Study of the antimicrobial activity of thermal mud from Copahue (Neuquén, Argentina)

Basualdo, Juan A.*; Schell, Celia M.*; Sparo, Mónica D.*; Grenóvero, María S.**; Giacomino, Marta I.**; Belderrain, Andrés R.**; Monasterio, Ana M.***; De Michele, Daniel F.**; De Luca, María M.*



The antimicrobial activity of thermal mud from Copahue Thermal Complex against microorganisms from human microbiota, community and hospital infections agents and AT CC strains was investigated. Thermal mud samples were obtained from Sulfurous Lagoon located within the Complex. To determine the antimicrobial properties of the liquid phase (LP) of Copahue thermal mud we used in vitro assays, agar diffusion test and bactericidal rate, using gram-positive cocci, gram-negative bacilli, yeast and AT CC strains. Inhibition zones around the disk against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans was showed with the first technique. No inhibition zones were observed for the rest of the microorganisms assayed. With the killing curve technique, inhibitory action before 6 h of incubation was observed against S. aureus, E. faecalis, S. epidermidis and C. albicans while there was no inhibition against gram negative bacillus. This is the first study that demonstrates the antimicrobial activity of LP on certain assayed strains.

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Keywords: health, health spa, antimicrobial activity, mud, Copahue
Se presentan los resultados del PID UNER 10045, desarrollado conjuntamente entre la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER), Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de la Plata (UNLP) y el Ente provincial de las Termas de Neuquén (EPROTEN) (Argentina), financiado por UNER, Director: Dr. Juan Angel Basualdo Farjat; recibido en octubre 2010; admitido en agosto 2011. Autores: *Cátedra de Microbiología y Parasitología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UNLP (La Plata, Argentina). **Departamento de Posgrado, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, UNER (Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina). *** EPROTEN (Argentina). Contacto: jabasua@atlas.med.unlp.edu.ar