Abstracts - CDT Nº 44


Humanidades - Ciencias Sociales

[Indice] - [English]



Humanidades - Ciencias Sociales

Definition and analysis of the Regional Innovation System: an approach to the case of Region de Los Lagos (Chile)

Díaz L., Guillermo*; Lemarie, Rodolfo**; Vallejos R., Arturo*


Territorial studies now recognize that technological innovation is an important factor in development. For example, among the theories related to technological change and collective learning, the Systems for Regional Innovation (SRI) model recommends a systemic focus on innovation, underlining the importance of geographic, institutional, economic and cultural variables. This article analyzes and applies the SRI model to Region de Los Lagos in Chile, emphasizing two fundamental aspects: the components and internal dynamics of this territorial innovation model, while analyzing the conditions where innovation takes place and the perceptions of important regional figures. By applying the SRI model to a developing country such as Chile, giving special attention to the particular innovation conditions and the perception of the different regional players, this article aims to contribute to the literature available on this subject, at present incomplete.

Keywords: economía, desarrollo regional, territorio, innovación, conocimiento

Training programs on Information literacy in Argentine universities: levels of development

Uribe Tirado, Alejandro



Information literacy, understood as training on information competence, is one of the current challenges for university libraries in view of the possibilities of access to vast information resources made possible by digital media. At the same time, it is important to understand and apply the best practices for selecting and evaluating information in order to retrieve the most relevant and of highest quality one. In this situation, Ibero-American university libraries (Latin-America, Spain and Portugal) have been slowly incorporating this training either from direct training programs, offered from the library or through collaborative work with teachers and schools, in curricula of various universities as a whole or in specific disciplines. In this paper, a review of the information offered by university libraries in Argentina on their core activity of training, accomplished through the methodology of Web content analysis, is presented in order to visualize the levels of information competencies that their users would be incorporating.

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Keywords: information science, information literacy, information competencies, university libraries, Argentina

History of the Educational Sciences Faculty in Parana (Argentina) (1920-1973)

Ossanna, Edgardo O.†; López; María del Pilar; Kummer, Virginia; Ugalde, Mónica; Baraldi, Victoria; Olalla, Valeria; Baffico, Fernando



This article analyzes the process that led to the creation of the Educational Sciences Faculty in Parana. Its close link during this early period with the Universidad Nacional del Litoral as well as the subsequent ups and downs in the life of the institution are discussed. Next the article focuses on the blending nexus between what is specifically university and its social, political and economic dimensions, the intertwining of academic issues with pedagogical trends, with the student movement and with teachers’ profiles, among others defining an institutional characterization. The national, regional and local dimensions are present in the definition of the institution internal life. Further research studies will account for some time expansion of the issues developed in this work.

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Keywords: History of Education, Educational Sciences Faculty, University, pedagogical ideas, institutional dimension

Modern reason and otherness. Interculturality in response

Giaccaglia, Mirta A.; Méndez, Ma. Laura; Ramírez, Alejandro; Cabrera, Patricia; Barzola, Paola; Maldonado, Martín; Farneda, Pablo



Western reason, on the stage of Modernity, established ways of thinking, feeling and doing founded on the ideas of lineal and unlimited progress and science as legitimate knowledge, based on the bourgeois state, with the expectation that such a model would ensure welfare and freedom. Then, genocide and totalitarianism showed that faith in some certainties and determinism only led to the impossibility of coexistence and the lack of mutual recognition. Therefore, in contemporary times the only possible bet is on politics not based on transcendence, where otherness might break any chance of stabilization and the ways to build up and project future might be shaped by the random event. The intercultural perspective, from a prudence marked by the mistakes of a blind trust on a sole model, can contribute to thinking on ways for rebuilding a more livable world, in scenery of enormous development of technologies.


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Keywords: political philosophy, modernity, otherness, foreigness, Interculturality

Relations with “the other”: d’Orbigny and Darwin at the Paraná River

Petrucci, Liliana Cecilia


The travels of nineteenth century European Naturalists are linked to the re-invention of America as “nature”. The narratives of two nineteenth century naturalist travelers will be studied in their relationship with “the other one”, matter which is a main topic in their travels and recognition of the coasts of the Paraná River. We will focus on the narratives of Alcides d’Orbigny –French Naturalist– and Charles Darwin –British–. In the first case, some references to nature are the excuse to vindicate the traveler’s own culture. In the second naturalist writing, circumscriptive and self-controlled by his work and knowledge, appears (according to our reading) linked to most frankly ethnocentric vindications, with a nationalist tinge in dispute with colonizers. The relationship with “the other/the otherness” will be analyzed, taking into account how the “other” is constructed, in relation to the order of discourse at the time and to the social imaginary implied.


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Keywords: cultural history, european naturalist travellers, social imaginaries, otherness

Humanidades - Ciencias Sociales



Humanidades - Ciencias Sociales

On education and cultural consumption: an approach to universitary publics

Hinojosa Córdova, Lucila


Partial results of a university project aimed at identifying and studying consumption habits and practices in The Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León community, in order to effectively estimate demand for cultural and amusement products, as well as to identify participation levels in cultural and leisure activities, time dedicated to those activities and content preferences and motivation, are presented, so as to develop recommendations to establish proper university policies. In a first stage of the project, an exploratory assessment was performed by means of a survey of 921 respondents (students, professors and researchers and administrative staff) involving 89 items among which internet, mobile communication and television consumption is highlighted.


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Keywords: cultural anthropology, consumption and cultural practices, university audiences

Biofuels: links between land management policies and environmental and social impacts

Montico, S.; Di Leo, N.; Bonel, B.; Denoia, J.; M. Costanzo


The relationship between the need of supply of biofuels in developed countries, and the capacity of countries in developing to produce transformable biomass sets new trading and determinants conditions. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the production of biofuels, social and environmental impacts, and land management policies. Developed countries establish trade links with the producers of biomass. This relationship creates negative impacts on the quality and quantity of its natural resources to their lack of policies of state intervention. It is the State that must define policies to order the chain of biofuels and protect potential affected of it.


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Keywords: development sociology, economy, biofuelss




Action of chlorine and activated carbon powder on the remotion of microcystin in drinking water

Rosales, R.J.*; Cayetano Arteaga, M.C.**; Cives, H.R.***



The blooms of blue-green algae in Salto Grande Lake (Argentina-Uruguay) are a consequence of eutrophication state and environmental conditions. They represent an ecological, sanitary and economic problem affecting tourism, increasing costs to produce potable water and, the most important, public health risks from exposure to products of their metabolism: the cyanotoxins. Microcystins are the most dangerous to human health for its level and toxicity; its presence was detected in all of recorded blooms in the lake. We studied the action of chlorine and powdered activated carbon for removal of microcystin in the laboratory, demonstrating the greater effectiveness on the removal of microcystin of the oxidation treatment with chlorine over adsorption on activated carbon powder.

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Keywords: ingeniería sanitaria, potabilización, cloro, carbón activado, microcistinas

Humanidades - Ciencias Sociales



Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

Considerations on a program for the development of generic competences in Engineering

Schmal S., Rodolfo


In this article, the design and results of a transversal competences program implemented since 2005 at the University of Talca, are reviewed for a particular career, Business Computer Engineering. This review was made from surveys applied to students and through a joint consideration of the outputs by the academic staff of the career, following a specific methodology. A proposal of changes focused on the reduction of the program and its redistribution in the career curriculum was made. We conclude on the need for substantial changes in the program to enable generic skills contextualized within the interests of he career.


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Keywords: engineering education, curriculum evaluation, curriculum by competences